Chul Young CHOI

Prof. Chul Young Choi is a professor of ophthalmology at Sungkyunkwan University and the director of Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, majoring in cornea and optics. He obtained his doctorate degree on vitreous dynamics imaging study in 2011, and worked as a research professor at the David Apple Lab of Heidelberg University in Germany from 2014

Chul Young CHOI2024-01-10T04:34:30+00:00

So-Hyang CHUNG

Prof. So-Hyang Chung at the Seoul St. Mary’s hospital of the Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea currently serves as Chair of Scientific Committee of the Korean Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery and organized 34th APACRS-2022 KSCRS joint meeting as Secretary General. She is an active clinician and researcher in cataract, refractive, and

So-Hyang CHUNG2024-03-07T09:04:03+00:00

Joon Young HYON

Prof. Joon Young Hyon is professor of Seoul National University Medicine and the Chief of Department of Ophthalmology at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital. He specializes in corneal disorder, cataract, and refractive surgery. He performs corneal transplantation and other ocular surface reconstruction surgeries. As a renowned cataract surgeon, he also specializes in the surgical

Joon Young HYON2024-01-10T04:52:18+00:00

Myoung Joon KIM

Dr. Myoung Joon Kim is the founder and a surgeon at Heaan Seoul Eye Center (formerly Renew Seoul Eye Center), where he specializes in cataract and refractive surgery. With a deep passion for physiological optics, emerging technologies, and innovation, he has made significant contributions to the field. Dr. Kim served as a faculty ophthalmologist

Myoung Joon KIM2025-02-03T01:22:30+00:00

Tae-Im KIM

Prof. Tae-im Kim, Professor at the Yonsei University Department of Ophthalmology, is a leading physician in cataract and refractive surgery and corneal disease. She has devoted herself to participating in clinical studies, basic research, and evolution of the ophthalmic devices. Prof. Kim has served as Director of Academic Affairs of the Korean Ophthalmological Society,

Tae-Im KIM2024-01-10T06:27:56+00:00

Jong Suk SONG

Dr. Jong Suk Song is currently the head professor of the Department of Ophthalmology, Korea University College of Medicine in Seoul. He is also the head of Ophthalmology at Guro Hospital of Korea Medical Center. He served as president of the Korean Contact Lens Society from 2020 to 2021. Since 2005, he has been

Jong Suk SONG2024-01-10T04:51:44+00:00

Hungwon TCHAH

Prof. Hungwon Tchah, Professor at the University of Ulsan Department of Ophthalmology, is a recognized leader in corneal, cataract, refractive, and laser surgery. He has been at the forefront of ophthalmology’s evolutionary changes throughout his career as a researcher, educator, lecturer and acclaimed physician and surgeon. Prof. Tchah served as President (2009-2011) and General

Hungwon TCHAH2024-01-10T04:46:44+00:00
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