Abstract Submission
Please read the following guidelines before making your submission.
All abstracts for Free Paper, ePoster, and Video for Film Festival must be submitted in English using the online submission form on the 37th APACRS annual meeting website.
Submission Commencement: Saturday, 21 September 2024, 00:00hrs (UTC+8)
Submission Deadline: Friday, 21 February 2025, 23:59hrs (UTC+8)
Abstracts submitted in hardcopy format will not be considered. The meeting organizers will not accept responsibility for any abstracts that have not been submitted according to the instructions.
Submitters must indicate whether they are submitting for presentation as a Free Paper, an ePoster or a Video for the Film Festival by choosing the appropriate presentation category.
1) Free Paper & ePoster Presentation
- Cataract Surgery
- Intraocular Lens Implants (IOLs)
- Refractive Surgery
- Corneal Surgery
- General
Presentation Type
- ePoster Presentation Only
- Free Paper or ePoster Presentation
2) Video for Film Festival
- Category FF1: Cataract/Implant Surgery
- Category FF2: Cataract Complications/Challenging Cases
- Category FF3: Refractive/Corneal Surgery
- Category FF4: General Interest
- Category FF5: In-House Production: A video produced by the author independent of financial or technical resources provided by a professional entity
Each registered delegate (identified by email address) will be allowed to submit a total of 2 abstracts that includes Free Paper, ePoster and Film Festival abstract submission.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to determine whether a submission is accepted as a Free Paper, an ePoster, or a Video for the Film Festival. The Committee’s decision is final.
Important Note: A Presenting Author whose abstract has been accepted is required to register and pay the registration fee for the annual meeting by 21 May 2025 to attend the meeting, and present the abstract.
*If you have any problem submitting your abstract through the online system, please contact the Secretariat at abstract@apacrs.org for assistance.
Guidelines for Abstract Submission
Free Paper Category
- Cataract Surgery
- Intraocular Lens Implants (IOLs)
- Refractive Surgery
- Corneal Surgery
- General
Abstract Format
- The title must be brief, concise, and in CAPITAL LETTERS. Limit to 150 characters (with spaces).
- Authors: Please enter your name as you wish it to appear in the Final Program.
- The total number of authors for each paper presentation may not exceed 5.
- The abstract text should not exceed 250 words, and no chart or graphics should be included in the abstract submission.
- The Scientific Committee reserves the right to redact any submission.
- You are permitted a maximum of 3 keywords per abstract. If more than 3 words are entered, only the first 3 will be recognized.
The abstract may be scheduled for presentation on any day of the 37th APACRS Annual Meeting, i.e., from Thursday, 21 August 2025, to Saturday, 23 August 2025.
All free paper presentations must be uploaded in the Speaker Preview Room at least 3 hours before the start of their sessions.
Presentations must not be longer than 5 minutes inclusive of discussion. Time limits will be strictly enforced.
Best Paper of Session (BPOS)
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Best Paper of Session (BPOS) will be announced at the end of the session. Presentation will be graded based on the following criteria:
ePosters will be available for viewing at the viewing stations during the 37th APACRS annual meeting.
ePoster Category
- Cataract Surgery
- Intraocular Lens Implants (IOLs)
- Refractive Surgery
- Corneal Surgery
- General
Abstract Format
- The title must be brief, concise, and in CAPITAL LETTERS. Limit to 150 characters (with spaces).
- Authors: Please enter your name as you wish it to appear in the Final Program.
- The total number of authors for each ePoster presentation may not exceed 5.
- The abstract text should not exceed 250 words, and no chart or graphics should be included in the abstract submission.
- The Scientific Committee reserves the right to redact any submission.
- You are permitted a maximum of 3 keywords per abstract. If more than 3 words are entered, only the first 3 will be recognized.
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest
Important Note: Declaration of conflict(s) of interest or the lack thereof should be made at the bottom right corner of the ePoster as indicated in the ePoster template provided. Failure to declare conflict(s) of interest or the lack thereof may result in the ePoster being not considered for the Best ePoster Awards.
Technical Specifications
- Each ePoster must not exceed ONE PowerPoint slide. Additional slides will not be accepted.
- Only .ppt or .pptx file formats will be accepted.
- Title and authors stated in the presentation slide must match the title and name of authors submitted in the abstract.
- Aspect ratio of the e-poster is 16:9. Slide size or page setup should be set to Width: 60 cm (23.6 in) by Height: 33.75 cm (13.3 in).
- Set slide orientation to Landscape.
- Use only Arial, Verdana, Calibri or Tahoma font.
- Minimum font size:
- Title: 18 points
- Author: 16 points
- Content: 14 points
- Avoid using hyperlinks. Internet access will NOT be available at the viewing stations.
- Video, animated graphics, and audio are not permitted.
- All images, tables, and graphs must be embedded into the ePoster.
- Use high-resolution images of minimum 150 dpi.
- Insert formulas and/or equations as images.
- Content headings may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Introduction
- Purpose
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- References
- Leave a blank space measuring Width: 5.3 cm (2.1 in) by Height: 2.0 cm (0.8 in) at the top right hand corner for official use.
- Preferred content layout: 3 vertical columns.
- Maximum file size should not exceed 25 MB.
NOTE: ePoster submissions must comply with all specifications or it may be rejected.
Formatting Tips
- Less is more. Ensure content is clear and concise.
- Avoid fanciful designs.
- Do not crowd the slide.
- Use bullet points.
- Ensure contrast. Use dark colored fonts on light backgrounds and light colored fonts on dark backgrounds.
Best Poster Award
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Best ePoster of each category will be indicated with a ribbon. Each ePoster will be judged based on the following criteria:
ePoster Submission
Deadline of abstract submission: 21 February 2025, 23:59hrs Singapore Time (UTC+8).
Deadline for submission of ePoster in PowerPoint format: 21 May 2025, 23:59hrs Singapore Time (UTC+8).
Instructions for submission of ePosters(s) will be provided in the Notification of Abstract Acceptance to be sent in March 2025.
Submission of ePosters in PowerPoint format will not be accepted after the deadline.
Film Category
- Cataract/Implant Surgery
- Cataract Complications/Challenging Cases
- Refractive/Corneal Surgery
- General Interest
- In-house Productions: A video produced by the author independent of financial or technical resources provided by a professional entity
Abstract Format
- The title must be brief, concise, and in CAPITAL LETTERS. Limit to 150 characters (with spaces).
- Authors: Please enter your name as you wish it to appear in the Final Program.
- The total number of authors for each film may not exceed 5.
- The abstract text should not exceed 120 words, and no chart or graphics should be included in the abstract submission.
- The Scientific Committee reserves the right to redact any submission.
- You are permitted a maximum of 3 keywords per abstract. If more than 3 words are entered, only the first 3 will be recognized.
- Only one (1) film per producer will be accepted for each category. The primary producer may be the co-producer of no more than two (2) other films.
- The producer is required to be a registered and paid delegate of the 37th APACRS annual meeting in order for the video to be accepted for judging.
- Films which are deemed to be offensive by the panel of judges because of racial, sexual or religious content will be disqualified. Disqualified films will not be shown during the meeting. The decision of the judges is final.
- There will be NO notification of the judging results prior to the Film Festival Awards Ceremony.
- All producers are strongly encouraged to attend the APACRS Film Festival Awards Ceremony. The Awards Ceremony is an essential part of the success of the Festival. If you are unable to attend, please have a colleague attend as your representative.
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest
Important Note: Declaration of conflict(s) of interest or the lack thereof should be made within the first 5 seconds of the video. Failure to declare conflict(s) of interest or the lack thereof may result in the video being excluded from judging.
- Film presentations exceeding the 8-minute limit (including opening introduction and closing credits) will be disqualified.
- Music can be an important element in the film but should not overpower the narration or distract the viewer from the film content.
- The film should not be a filmed PowerPoint presentation. It should exhibit movement, animation, and demonstration.
- The microphone should be of high quality to avoid “popping Ps” and echo chamber effects.
- All presentations must be in English with English titling, subtitling, and soundtrack. The contents must be understandable to an English-speaking person.
- The film should be shown on screen as seen by the surgeon with images of the eye and eye surgery filling most of the screen.
- Multiple images on the screen, such as simultaneous surgical demonstrations, busy animations, and hyperactive graphics, should be avoided.
- The font size, style, and color should be legible.
- Graphics, schematic illustrations, and animation can be used to clarify points.
- Acknowledgement of prior investigators and contributors is required.
- Original ideas and investigations will be given special merits.
Film Specification
Films are to be submitted in the following format:
- Format: MPEG-4 (MP4)
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Codec: H.264
- Preferred Resolution: 1080p (1920×1080)
- File Size: NOT more than 500 MB
Film Submission
Deadline of abstract submission: 21 February 2025, 23:59hrs Singapore Time (UTC+8).
Deadline of film submission: 21 May 2025, 23:59hrs Singapore Time (UTC+8). No films submitted after the deadline will be accepted for judging. Films previously submitted to the ASCRS or ESCRS meeting within the calendar year will be accepted.
Submission Link:
All films will have to be submitted via the APACRS Dropbox. Link to the APACRS Dropbox will be indicated in the abstract acceptance notification email to be sent in March 2025.The APACRS Secretariat will acknowledge upon receipt of your film.
Please feel free to contact us at film.festival@apacrs.org should you require any assistance.