Kevin M. Miller, MD, is a professor of clinical ophthalmology and the Kolokotrones Chair in Ophthalmology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. He is chief of the Cataract and Refractive Surgery Division, director of the Anterior Segment Diagnostic Laboratory, and a member of the Stein Eye Institute.

He received his undergraduate training in electrical engineering at the Johns Hopkins University GWC Whiting School of Engineering. Working for the US Naval Research Laboratory, he developed a facility for testing the Cesium atomic clocks used in Global Positioning System satellites under space flight conditions. He received his medical training at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. This was followed by an internship in Baltimore at the Franklin Square Hospital Center and a research fellowship in Ophthalmic Optics at the Wilmer Eye Institute. He did his residency training at the UCLA Stein Eye Institute and joined the full-time faculty at UCLA in 1991. His clinical practice is devoted to cataract surgery, laser refractive surgery, and the rehabilitation of eyes with complex anterior segment surgical problems.

Dr. Miller is the recipient of four endowed UCLA cataract research funds including the Paul Vicari fund, the Pat and Joe Yzurdiaga fund, the Albert Sarnoff fund, and the Amalia Simon Roth fund. He received the Honor, Senior Honor, and Lifetime Achievement Awards of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) as well as two Secretariat awards. He delivered the Charles D. Kelman lecture at the 2019 annual AAO meeting. He is a member of numerous professional organizations including the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS), the International Society of Refractive Surgeons (ISRS), and the International Intra-Ocular Implant Club (IIIC).

Dr. Miller’s teaching activities span the range of training from undergraduate students to practicing ophthalmologists. He supervises research projects taken on by UCLA undergraduates. He is an instructor in several required and elective medical school courses and is involved in resident, national fellow, and international fellow training at the Stein Eye Institute. He served on the AAO Basic and Clinical Science Course committee for 10 years, editing 3 editions of the Clinical Optics textbook. He serves on the AAO Anterior Segment Preferred Practice Patterns committee, editing 4 editions of Cataract in the Adult Eye. He served on the AAO Maintenance of Certification committee and the Compass committee, developing educational content for practicing ophthalmologists and materials for the One Network. He also served on the AAO annual meeting Program Planning committee and the EyeNet Editorial Board. He currently
chairs the Preferred Practice Patterns committee on Cataract in the Adult Eye. For the ASCRS, he chairs the Cataract Clinical Committee and is a member of the governing board. He was an organizer of the cataract sections for the 2012 and 2014 World Congresses of Ophthalmology. He serves on the editorial boards of the American Journal of Ophthalmology, EyeWorld, and Em Foco, a Brazilian language publication. He is a reviewer for many ophthalmic journals. He has delivered approximately 276 invited lectures at international meetings and 721 lectures at domestic meetings. He has written approximately 100 peer reviewed publications, numerous book chapters, and approximately 175 trade journal articles. He has organized over 100 instructional courses for residents, fellows, and practicing ophthalmologists.

Dr. Miller’s research interests span the areas of cataract surgery, cataract instrumentation, intraocular lenses, ophthalmic optics, aniridia, artificial iris devices, and surgical outcomes. He was an investigator in the Alcon Laboratories T3-T5 toric intraocular lens trial, the post-market approval study of the T6-T9 lenses, the Hoya Surgical Optics single-piece acrylic lens trial, and the Ophtec endocapsular tension ring trial. He participated in the development and national launch of the Alcon Laboratories Infiniti Vision phacoemulsification system. He was an investigator for the Calhoun Vision light adjustable lens. He was an investigator in the Ophtec model 311 iris reconstruction lens trial, and he holds an investigational device exemption from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to implant Morcher artificial iris devices in eyes with congenital or acquired iris defects. He was also an investigator for the HumanOptics artificial iris clinical trial, which gained FDA approval in 2018. He was also an investigator in the recently completed J&J Vision ZCU toric rotational stability trial.

Summary of Presentation(s)

Please click session title(s) for more details
All timings are according to India Time (UTC+5:30)
Friday, 22 August 2025
Convention Hall 2, MMCEC
14:00 – 15:30hrs
(S6) CSCRS: MASTERS DON'T ALWAYS AGREE (14:00 - 15:30hrs)
- Chair: Graham BARRETT, Kevin M. MILLER, Burkhard DICK
14:30 - 14:40hrs In the Eye
14:55 - 15:05hrs Corneal Incision
Convention Hall 2, MMCEC
16:00 – 17:30hrs
(S8) WHAT WOULD YOU DO? (16:00 – 17:30hrs)
- Chair: Sri GANESH, Kevin M. MILLER
Saturday, 23 August 2025
Convention Hall 2, MMCEC
17:10 - 17:14hrs
(S18) WISDOM FROM THE GURUS - Top Cataract Surgery Tips (16:15 – 17:45hrs)
(4 minutes video presentation)