Dr. Robert Ang specializes in cornea and external eye diseases, refractive surgery, glaucoma, and cataract surgery at the Asian Eye Institute, Makati City, Philippines. Dr. Ang is a medical graduate of the University of the Philippines and completed his residency in ophthalmology at the Philippine General Hospital, where he also served as Assistant Chief Resident of the Department of Ophthalmology in his final year. He undertook fellowship training in glaucoma (1998-1999) and in cornea and refractive surgery (2000-2001) at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Ma., USA. Dr. Ang has published numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals and actively engages in ophthalmic research, with a particular focus on laser refractive procedures and premium IOLs. A much sought-after speaker, he has given numerous lectures on his fields of expertise, often sharing the findings of his own research, at various ophthalmology meetings around the world.

Summary of Presentations

Please click session title(s) for more details
All timings are according to China Time (UTC+8)
Thursday, 21 August 2025
Seminar Hall 3, MMCEC
09:48 - 10:00hrs
From Angle MIGS Devices to Slow Release Devices in the Angle
Seminar Hall 3, MMCEC
12:00 - 12:15hrs
Lamentations of the Lens Implant
Seminar Hall 3, MMCEC
16:24 - 16:36hrs
(MC12) MASTERING PHAKIC IOLS (16:00 - 17:30hrs)
Presbyopia-correcting ICL
Friday, 22 August 2025
Seminar Hall 1, MMCEC
15:00 - 15:07hrs
(S7) REFRACTIVE SURGERY - Updates on an evolving practice (14:00 – 15:30hrs)
Clinical Experience With EDOF ICLs in Myopic Presbyopes
Saturday, 23 August 2025
Seminar Hall 1, MMCEC
14:30 - 14:37hrs
(S17) WHAT'S NEW IN IOLS? (14:10 – 15:40hrs)
Long Term Outcomes of Small Aperture IOLs